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Sign Up to be a Lil Sib

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What Is a Lil Sib?

A Lil Sib is a new student, usually a frosh or transfer student. Lil Sibs are interested in the various components of the Asian American community on campus and want to meet people who can expose them to new experiences.

What Are AASib Families?

AASib families (SibFams) are composed of up to four Big Sibs (upperclassmen) and at least one Lil Sib. SibFams are designed to help integrate incoming frosh and transfers into the Asian American community, and the undergraduate community at large, at Stanford. Being an incoming freshman can be daunting, and your SibFam is meant to help you transition through this exciting process.

Matching Process

Lil Sibs are matched with SibFams who have similar academic and social interests based on the application you submit. Depending on your SibFam, many may engage in different activities, like sporting activities, or trips off campus for Asian food, or maybe a night of watching movies in the dorm. AASib holds several annual events to help SibFams get together, such as social events with ice cream and a day of field games.

Interested in Becoming a Lil Sib?

The  Online applications to be a Lil Sib is available for new Frosh and Transfer Students.  

Priority decision for Lil Sibs will be Friday, September 20, 2024 @ 11:59 PM PST. If students miss the opportunity to apply by the September 9 deadline, we can still accept applications until Friday, September 27th @11:59 PM PST.

Students will be matched with their Big Sibs/SibFams before the AASib Family Reveal event on Friday, October 4th as part of the last Asian American New Student Orientation Committee (AANSOC) events after New Student Orientation (NSO). Students would then be notified after the final deadline with their matched Big Sibs/SibFams.  

For more information or if you have any questions, contact the AASIB Core Leaders.